Category: Без рубрики

Education And Research

Education and research in the field of Information Technology (IT) are critical for advancing technology, solving complex problems, and driving innovation in various industries. Here’s a brief overview of education and research in IT: Education: Undergraduate Programs: Many universities offer Bachelor’s degrees in IT, Computer Science, or related fields. These programs cover fundamental concepts, programming,…
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08.11.2023 0


PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOAL – S Seventeenth Goal Of The Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable development goals can only be achieved with a strong commitment to partnership and cooperation at the international level. And after improving access to technology and knowledge, which is an important way to exchange ideas and promote innovation. The sustainable development goals…
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07.11.2023 0


Embedding the Sustainable Development Goals The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a framework for ensuring a more sustainable future for people and the planet across society, the economy and the natural world. These set the agenda for sustainable development to 2030. The University is committed to working towards all 17 SDGs, embedding them…
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07.11.2023 0