TUIT and its regional branches are the first (from 2018) in Uzbekistan in implementing the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)
Education System

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Sizni 2024-yil 13-mart soat 14:00 da bo‘lib o‘tadigan Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi TATU huzuridagi ilmiy darajalar beruvchi DSc.13/30.12.2019.T.07.01 raqamli ilmiy Kengash qoshidagi 05.01.04– “Hisoblash mashinalari, majmualari va kompyuter tarmoqlarining matematik va[…]
Read moreEducation And Research
Education and research in the field of Information Technology (IT) are critical for advancing technology, solving complex problems, and driving innovation in various industries. Here’s a brief overview of education[…]
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Read moreWhat Our Students say about us?
“Being accepted to TUIT has played the main role in the development in both education and carrier of mine. The reasons are events organized by international corporations such as KOICA and JICA at university, for example. In addition to this, as a student of TUIT I got a chance to continue my further studies in Japan
Thanks to International department for this chance.

Jamshidbek Yusupov
Shibaura Institute of Technology
To start with, I would not be wrong if I said that my most achievements come from my home university. Having done my internship in Italy as a result of the memorandum between Tashkent University of Information Technologies and Sababa Security, I decided to continue my adventure with an exchange program. In several weeks, with the help and directions of International Relations Department of TUIT, I applied and got accepted to Innopolis University’s Student Exchange Program. For all these things, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the IR Department of TUIT for their support and initiatives with such a great university.

It is no exaggeration to say that the TUIT international department has made an unparalleled contribution to my future. Thanks to them, I went as an exchange student to the Innopolis University of INNOPOLIS, which is the IT heart of the Russian Federation. The quality and methods of teaching there are not inferior to TOP 100 universities. The conditions are also very good, the only thing expected of the student is to study. People here even work as interns in FAANG companies. The ecosystem here is just super!

John Collins
Degree Programs
Staff members of our department
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